Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Living in the past with Eli Porter

I've shamefully realized that Eli Porter is in fact old news which means I'm posting stuff that everyone has seen before much like those annoying emails that contain videos or jokes you heard when the internet was clawing its way out of Mother Technology's silicon womb. I hate that and can't understand why I never encountered Eli before?
Anyway if you still can't get enough of Eli's rainman dribbling rhyme style then you can download a mixtape here. It had to happen sometime and indeed it did in May 2008.


01 Imma Have to Give It To Mah Boi (Intro) f. J-Dub

02 The Infamous Iron Mic Freestyle
03 Deed It
04 Best Man
05 Cat On The Grill
06 Funk Mix
07 Soul Mix
08 Dirty Mix
09 Jungle Mix
10 Over 9000 f. Nappa & Vegeta
11 Eli Responds To Controversy (Marv-O, J-Dub & A-14 Diss)
12 Eli Spits Fire (Freestyle)
13 Da Best Mayne (So Hood Remix)
14 See I’m The Best
15 I Keep It For Real f. Lil Wayne
16 Eli Is Possessed (The Elicist)
17 Still The Best (Outro)


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