Watching The Old Guys (BBC Sat 9.45pm) written by the talented writers of Peep Show (Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong) makes you feel like an old man trying desperately to arouse his diminished, wrinkled pecker in front of an old time-ravaged whore that once was beautiful. You hope to get excited by the intoxicating memories of how good she could be but she's lost her luster and is a mere shadow of her former self. So you end up merely talking about your depressing life clinging to her gin-soaked platitudes that spew out effortlessly between each smoke filled exhale. Consequently you end up back at home, sullen and slightly cheapened by the whole experience. At least that's I how felt.
You see the broad comedy requisite of the BBC has sucked the life out of the duo's writing and even though Katherine Parkinson gives a nice performance as Roger Lloyd Pack's long suffering daughter it's a bit like eating a turd and commenting that the bit of sweetcorn was quite pleasant.
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