Friday, 21 November 2014

Intergalactic Love Song

I was delivering to a swanky set of houses today and came across this old boy with a Jesus fish on his van. He was doing some gardening work for the owners of this massive house on this cold grey day. He was slightly ragged and physically not really up the task but was shuffling about as best he could. He smiled at me and said "I hope the rain holds off for you brother" and carried on with his work. The other guy working with him asked me for the time and seemingly had a learning disability. As I walked away I started to feel emotional about the encounter. It suddenly struck me that that was the most humanity and warmth I'd experienced from a complete stranger for quite some time and certainly more than I've ever encountered from the people peering through the curtains of these homes. Here's an Intergalactic Love Song for you brother x