Monday, 22 June 2009

Monday, 8 June 2009

The Afghan Whigs

There are relatively few groups I miss from the 1990's but this one still makes me sad they split even though their output became somewhat weaker and more diluted toward the end of that decade. This is them performing at the peak of their powers and they still send shivers down my spine because they had it pure and simple. Particularly like the little dance step that Rick McCollum (lead guitar) does with his Fender Jazzmaster (cheers Nick ;). Marvel at the stony-faced composure of John Curley (bass) as around him the self loathing and charismatic frontman Greg Dulli luxuriates centre stage like a barely controlled cyclone. One of the most severely underrated bands of their generation, I'd advise you to watch this and then go out and buy Gentlemen (1993) forthwith. Listen and tremble.

Literal Videos

Take a music video and re-record the song explaining the visuals literally. In the hands of the inept this can be embarrassing but luckily the concept created by DustoMcNeato is remarkably funny when in his capable hands. His arguable successor is dascottjr whose creations are even more inspired and currently holds the torch aloft amid a sea of pretenders. Thanks to Nick for this :)

Darth Vadersehen Pet

Combine Geordies and science fiction and you get an unholy marriage that will only please those who get the references. Genius.